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Technology For Anglers

Everything we do is centred around you, the angler.

We have completely overhauled our bait boat tech and the response has been astounding.

From cutting-edge lithium batteries to Ultrasonic motors, only the very best components find their way into our bait boats.


We have searched high and low for the best and most relaible lithium batteries for our boats, we have now found a UK supplier with outstanding batteries that will be featured in all our bait boats moving forward.

Angling Technics Microcat HD bait boat on the water


We still manufacture and build our Microcat HD, Microcat MK3, Procat MK4 and Technicat MK2 bait boats right here in the UK.

One of only a few companies in the fishing industry that still manufacture right here in the UK.

Angling Technics Union Jack Logo


Fish Finders, GPS, Autopilot & Much More

We have spent a lot of time and resources of developing and searching for the best sonars, GPS systems and Autopilot systems, not to mention a very advanced all in one handset that is coming soon!

TOSLON XR500 Handset for bait boats


Autopilot Systems and GPS are designed to get you back out to your spots every single time, day and night. Once you have located your spots, add them as way points and then when you want to get back out to them, hit the right waypoint and the boat will pilot istelf back out to the spot, drop your load, hit the home button and your boat will return to you without you needing to touch the handset!


Sonar or fish finders, as they are commonly referred to, highlight the topography of the lake bed in finite detail, ensuring you know exactly what you are fishing over, as well as showing any fish in the area.

Once you have located a spot, send the winchcam down to check the area in detail and you can even check to see if your rigs are laying as you want them to.

Angling Technics Winch Cam
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